D-Day. The Offensive Begins
( This blog is Ian’s first go at blogging)
By the way D stands for Dog
At 1.34am in the morning precisely, how do I know this, it’s because I own a watch, elements of the 2nd Third Darjeeling Canine Battalion engaged the enemy, a rabble group called the Mongrel Mob (not be confused with the Kiwi outlaw motorcycle group although they do share some similarities in looks and possibly odours).
The Mongrel Mob has taken control of a strategic position with a commanding view over Darjeeling. The position in military parlance known as P2723 also know as the garbage pile outside the Shangrila Hotel has had a number of frequent battles fought over it. This particular location was a major supplier of provisions to the local dogs. The battle continued for over an hour and was a very noisy and messy one.
Captain Whiteman and myself, Flying Officer Finlayson, decided we would assist the 2nd Third Darjeeling Canine Battalion with an aerial bombing mission from the third floor of the Shangrila Hotel. Our weapon of choice in these matters is naturally the deadly and fear engendering “Extra Large He-Man Self Lubricating Ribbed Condom” filled with water. Terror from the skies striking fear into dogs that are hydrophobic. Unfortunately we did not have any condoms, the hotel has a water shortage and my right arm is not as good at launching these projectiles as it used to be. We were forced to watch the battle and in the morning we took a few photos of the remnants of both groups. We have included these photos for you perusal.
While Dave has been giving our reader or maybe readers many colourful descriptions of our journey, I will address some of the things I find interesting. My psychotherapist (Dave) says this will be good for me.
Religion and Satellite TV what a combination. You name it, they have it. Hindu gurus of all sorts, some fully clothed, some half naked, a lot of them with garlands of flowers and really cool outfits. Every Born-Again show you can think of. You have not lived until you have seen a full on gospel preached in Hindi or Chinese. There are a number of Islamic religious shows. I am singing along with them that well now that when I get back to Sydney I am going to move to Lakemba (Lebanse Muslim stronghold). There are in excess of 10 religious channels, a different god for every day of the week and that does not include the myriad of Hindu Gods.
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