Friday, April 07, 2006

5 Months to go!

Five months to go and Ian and I are still excited about all the things, people and places we'll see on our grand adventure.

Our hotels have now been booked and transfers arranged. You tend to forget about transfers but they are essential if you don't want to end up in a brawl with the taxi touts at the airport. On the other hand, we could hire a couple of cows like these 2 beauties and ride into town. I bet no one would even notice!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Festival of India

With my Hare Krishna friend Rupa who I met a couple of years ago at the North Sydney temple. He's just returned from India and was able to give Ian and I some travel tips.

Practice for the trip.

Ian and Liz with the Hare Krishna Jaganath Wagon at the Festival of India held at Darling Harbour 1st April 2006. We were able to mingle with hundreds of Indian people and sample a vast array of Indian delicasies. Practice for the crowds and street stalls of downtown Kolkata.

India or Bust!

Well a couple of lunatics have made the decision to go to India this year or bust our guts trying!

Ian is 53 and Dave 55 and neither have been to the sub-continent before but for reasons which may become apparent during the next few months (and all of them different for each of us) we both feel this is the stage in life to throw caution, and a good deal of sense, to the wind and get on with it.

So, with our departure in September 2006, this weblog will be our story.